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Road safety

Austin has grown immensely in recent years, and Southwest Austin has been in need of infrastructure to keep up with the growth.


Here’s what I’ve been delivering to ensure safe roads for vehicles, bikes, and pedestrians:


  • Safe Routes to school and better sidewalks, including a new shared use path on Slaughter and Barstow near Gorzycki Middle School.


  • New crosswalks and hybrid beacons at Circle C Metro Park, the intersection of Davis and Latta, and at the Spyglass trailhead.


  • Stop signs and speed humps at various intersections throughout Southwest Austin, as well as solar-powered dynamic speed signs in Lost Creek.


  • Lowered speed limits on Slaughter, Brodie, Convict Hill, Escarpment, Old Bee Cave Road, and many others.


  • Working with TxDOT to expedite updates to the intersection of 45 and Escarpment, including trimming back the length of the median and updating signal timing.


  • New bike lanes around Southwest Austin and the city in general. 


  • Fixing substandard streets - and re-paving Southwest Parkway!


  • Created the Healthy Streets program, which allowed neighbors to close residential streets to through traffic and encourage biking and walking. This is expanding to Living Streets complete with Block Parties and Play Streets.




© 2022 paid for by

Paige Ellis for City Council,

Treasurer Ashley Bliss-Lima.

P.O. Box 160233, Austin, TX 78716


This campaign has agreed to comply with the contribution and expenditure limits of the Austin Fair Campaign Ordinance.


Website designed by Paige Ellis.

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